Installation variant C

Step 2 of 3

Step 2

Glue in helmet adapter with tabs

das Klebepad muss auf die Seite des Helmadapters aufgetragen werden, auf der die Magnete zu sehen sind.

Remove the protective film from the adhesive pad (1).

Place the helmet adapter (2) in the forehead area of the helmet between the inner shell and outer shell (red marking). The mark on the underside of the helmet adapter (3) should be on an imaginary line between the center of the helmet and the center of your face (red dotted line).

Check helmet adapter

Make sure that the helmet adapter does not collide with the sun visor. Then press the helmet adapter evenly onto the helmet using the adhesive pad.

Check placement

Check that the helmet adapter is correctly attached to the helmet. To do this, attach the head-up display to the helmet adapter using the magnets. It must be fully attached to the helmet adapter with no visible gap in between.


If the mounting surface is curved and the helmet adapter is not correctly positioned on the mounting surface, select installation variant D.

Step 2 completed

The helmet adapter is attached, now continue with step 3.

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