Step-by-step instructions

Installation variant C

You need for installation variant C:

Der schmale Adapter ist geeignet für die Einbauvariante C und D

Narrow helmet adapter

dein 2-in-1 Head-Up Display & Motorrad-Navigationssystem für deinen Helm

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Das Klebepad ist bei Einbauvariante C notwendig

Adhesive pad for narrow helmet adapter

For which helmets is installation variant C suitable?

Installation variant C is often used for helmets with a sun visor whose fabric in the area of the mounting surface (marked red) is fixed / not stretchable.

das Klebepad muss auf die Seite des Helmadapters aufgetragen werden, auf der die Magnete zu sehen sind.


Before installation

To ensure secure attachment, all adhesive surfaces must be clean, dry and free of dust and grease. Therefore, please clean all smooth surfaces thoroughly with an alcohol-based cleaner such as white spirit or rubbing alcohol before mounting. Adhesion is better on surfaces made of fabric - however, these surfaces should also be cleaned.

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